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  • aslangypsumllp@gmail.com
  • Mon - Sat: 9am to 6pm
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Sadaaf Gypsum

Sadaf Gypsum is a pure gypsum-based plaster suitable for internal plastering for walls, ceilings and partitions constructed with brick, block and concrete. It consists essentially of pure gypsum hemi hydrates formulated with a special additive to control application and setting characteristics. It contains pure gypsum in natural form, free from all impurities. It gives plaster an unmatched work-ability because of its smoothness, coverage and ease of application. When dried, it provides a super white, smooth and fine finish.


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Gypsum Physical Test Report

Sr.No Test Unit Test Result
1 Consistency % 51
2 Setting Time Minutes 13
3 Flexural Strength (1 Day) Kg/cm² 45.38
4 Compressive Strength (1 Day) N/mm² 7.00
5 Compressive Strength (7 Day) N/mm² 14.00
6 Loose Bulk Density Kg/m³ 674
7 Dry Sieving % 0.46
8 Dry Set Density Kg/m³ 1864
9 Pull Out Strength (28 Days) N/mm² Awaited


1) IS 2547(Part -1 & 2) - 1976,RA-2002 - Specification For Gypsum Building Plasters(Part-I Excluding Premixed Lightweight Plasters)

2) IS 2542(Part 1/Sec 1 to 12) - 1978,RA-2002 - Methods of test for Gypsum Plaster, Concrete & Products.

Gypsum Chemical Test Report

A) Chemical Analysis :

Sr.No Test Unit Test Result
1 Sulphate (SO3) % 53.82
2 Total Calcium (CaO) % 41.1
3 Loss on Ignition $ 5.08
4 Free Lime % Nil
5 Magnesium Oxide (MgO) % 0.13
6 Insoluble Residue % 2.1

B) Specifications : IS 2547(Part 1) -1976 : 'Specification For Gypsum Building Plaster.'

Sr.No Test Unit Plaster of paris Retarded Hemihydrate Gypsum plaster Anhydrous Gypsum Plaster Keene's Plaster
1 Sulphate (SO3) % Min 35 Min 35 Min 40 Min 47
2 Total Calcium (CaO) % Min 2/3 of SO3 Min 2/3 of SO3 Min 2/3 of SO3 Min 2/3 of SO3
3 Loss on Ignition % 4 - 9 4 - 9 Max 3.0 Max 2.0
4 Free Lime % - 3+ - -


1) IS 2547(Part - 1) - 1976 : 'Specification For Gypsum Building Plaster.'

2) IS 1288-1973 Method of test for mineral gypsum & gypsum product.